
Entrepreneurial Marketing in creative art based businesses

گروه: مقالات علمی-پژوهشی دکتر مهران رضوانی ۲۰ خرداد ۱۳۹۶

Authors: Mohamad Taghi Toghraee, Mehran Rezvani, Mohammad Hassan Mobaraki

and Jahangir Yadollahi Farsi


This  paper  explores  the  marketing  perception  of  creative  cultural-art businesses  on  the  most  crucial  challenges  artists.  In-depth  interviews  were  locally conducted with artists and directors from various art fields to unravel their marketing perception on the current art sector. Data collection and analysis included participantobservation,  multiple interviews,  focus  group and interpretation  of  textual  and  voice data. This  paper  identifies and  examine a  divergence  of  philosophies  and practice  in cultural-  art  based  businesses.  The  purpose  of  this  paper  is  to  learn  which  set  of marketing practices creative art entrepreneurs are likely to privilege. Findings show that art entrepreneur’s privilege elements of creative marketing mix rather than relying on the traditional four Ps (product, price, place, and promotion), their marketing strategy and  practice  is  reminiscent  of  the  entrepreneurial  five  Cs  (contact  network  and communicating  competency,  content,  creativity,  cultural  values,  and  creator  of  art work). The paper validates a framework for analysis of marketing practices specific to art & cultural entrepreneurs.Entrepreneurial Marketing in creative art based businesses.

Keywords: Cultural- Art Entrepreneur; Marketing Mix; Artists; Creative Industries

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